
Rage of the dark gods
Rage of the dark gods

rage of the dark gods

Except he doesn't like the idea of being made a god. Hapless protagonist Tokidoki, the only one whose fate has not been decided, is part of a plot made by Bonten and the demons to overthrow Teiten and escape the awful fate that awaits them. The demon Bonten, who lost everyone he loved because of Teiten, decides he's tired of this way of life and takes action once it becomes evident that Teiten intends to destroy the world. He also predicts the fates of all living things so that he may control them. This is essentially the plot of Amatsuki, in which the titular world is ruled over by the god Teiten, who really couldn't care less about what happens to its inhabitants, as long as they don't interfere with his own plans (and if they do, there are severe consequences).Their continued faith in their God, in spite of all the horrors they've suffered, enrages him. Wrath/ Bradley has a very bad case of this when dealing with Ishvalans.After his defeat, he rages against Truth before his banishment beyond the Gate. Father uses the power of the souls of Amestris to pull God down to Earth and absorbs God.For a more Postmodern take, compare Rage Against the Author. Can result in A God Am I, Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?, and/or Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu. Often a part of a God and Satan Are Both Jerks storyline. See also Crisis of Faith, Smite Me, O Mighty Smiter, Nay-Theist. Often used alongside Heaven Above, where a Rage Against The Heavens is visualized by having a character rant at the clouds as if God was hiding behind them. The Other Wiki calls this misotheism - hatred of God or the Gods. It is also somewhat common in Rational Fiction. The only way to go further in this direction is to declare that Satan is Good.

rage of the dark gods

It's a full inversion of conventional morality and in some cases proposing that God Is Evil (the Gnostics' position). Many Moral Guardians and Media Watchdogs view it in a negative light, which makes it even more suited for this purpose. That makes it a prime target for authors who want to make their latest work Darker and Edgier.

rage of the dark gods

This trope is more controversial than merely challenging Satan or going To Hell and Back.

Rage of the dark gods